“If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.” – Milton Berle

Publishing on Amazon and Ingram Spark: Best of Both Worlds

Publishing that Sells Books

In the dynamic world of self-publishing, authors have more options than ever to bring their works to readers. Two of the most powerful platforms in this space are Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) and Ingram Spark. Each platform offers unique advantages and when used together, they can significantly amplify an author’s reach and versatility in distribution. This article explores how combining Amazon and Ingram Spark can create a comprehensive and effective publishing strategy.

Understanding Amazon KDP

Amazon is a giant in the book industry, primarily due to its vast customer base and the accessibility of its Kindle Direct Publishing platform. KDP allows authors to self-publish both eBooks and paperback books with no upfront costs for printing. The benefits of publishing with Amazon include:

  • Wide Reach:Amazon is the largest online retailer in the world, offering extensive market visibility.
  • Royalty Structure:KDP offers up to 70% in royalties on eBook sales, depending on the pricing and location, which is a significant draw.
  • KDP Select:This exclusive program gives authors additional promotional tools like Kindle Unlimited, where authors earn money based on pages read, and Kindle Countdown Deals.
  • Print on Demand:For paperbacks, Amazon provides print-on-demand services, meaning books are printed as they are ordered, reducing the need for inventory and upfront costs.

Exploring Ingram Spark

While Amazon covers a broad audience, Ingram Spark caters to a different aspect of book distribution, particularly in the print sector. Ingram Spark is part of Ingram Content Group, the largest book distributor in the world. Key features include:

  • Extended Distribution:Ingram Spark offers access to an extensive network of bookstores and libraries, reaching places Amazon doesn’t.
  • Print Quality and Options:It provides superior print quality and more options in terms of sizes, bindings, and papers.
  • Hardcover Editions:Unlike Amazon, Ingram Spark allows for the publication of hardcover books, a significant advantage for authors wanting to offer premium versions of their books.

Combining Amazon and Ingram Spark

Using both Amazon and Ingram Spark can be a strategic approach to maximize an author’s market potential. Here’s how to leverage the strengths of each platform:

  • Amazon for Online Visibility:Use Amazon KDP to capitalize on the vast Amazon marketplace for both eBooks and paperbacks. This ensures high visibility, especially if you enroll in Amazon-specific promotions and Kindle Unlimited.
  • Ingram Spark for Expanded Distribution:Utilize Ingram Spark for distributing print versions through channels that Amazon does not reach effectively, like independent bookstores and libraries. This can also attract readers who prefer purchasing from non-Amazon sources.
  • Quality and Format Variations:Offer premium print versions, like hardcovers, through Ingram Spark, while using Amazon for more standard print formats. This diversification can appeal to different segments of your audience.
  • Geographical Reach:Ingram Spark’s distribution can better serve international markets outside of Amazon’s prime territories, offering better terms and shipping options for global distribution.

Best Practices for Using Both Platforms

  • ISBNs:Purchase your own ISBNs to maintain control over your books’ rights and versions. This also simplifies the management of listings on both platforms.
  • Pricing Strategy:Ensure your book is competitively priced on both platforms. Consider geographical and market differences when setting prices.
  • Marketing and Promotion:Align your marketing campaigns to promote books across both platforms, leveraging each for their strengths but ensuring a cohesive message and branding.
  • Monitor and Optimize:Keep track of sales and customer feedback from both platforms to optimize pricing, marketing, and even content based on reader responses.


For authors looking to maximize their reach and professional presentation in the self-publishing arena, combining Amazon and Ingram Spark offers a comprehensive approach. By strategically using Amazon for its online prowess and Ingram Spark for its extensive distribution network and superior print options, authors can enjoy the best of both worlds. This dual-platform strategy enhances visibility, increases sales opportunities, and provides the flexibility to meet diverse consumer preferences in the ever-evolving book market.


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“If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.” –Milton Berle


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